Dear Jessica Brennan,

I wrote this the other day, thinking with an open heart of those who are already gone.

Love Mum xo

Sisters on the Other Side

Some nights when I just can’t abide

The ups and downs of this life’s ride

I call out softly mystified,

To my sisters on the other side

Their peaceful faces soon arrive

And my anxiety subsides

I ask for calm and I confide

In my sisters on the other side

And days when things are bright and wide

I hear them giggling where they reside

“Bring Alan Rickman”, I laugh and chide

To my sisters on the other side

A strange practice, I recognize

To speak to those I know have died

But love is real and simplified

With my sisters on the other side

Dear friends my time will too arrive

And whether you are crone or bride

I will sit by you with pride

As your sister on the other side