Everything is Different Now
Can the child within my heart rise above? Can I sail through the changin’ ocean tides? Can I handle the seasons of my life? Landslide by Stevie Nicks Dear Jessica …
Everything is Different Now Keep ReadingSometimes poignant, often witty letters written to my daughter.
Can the child within my heart rise above? Can I sail through the changin’ ocean tides? Can I handle the seasons of my life? Landslide by Stevie Nicks Dear Jessica …
Everything is Different Now Keep ReadingDear Jessica Brennan, A few days ago, I was lying on the massage bed, being tortured by my amazing therapist. She was having a small rant about complainers, which was …
Participation is Mandatory in a Good Life Keep ReadingDear Jessica Brennan, I grew up in a very religious family, and with religion comes a lot of stories, which I loved. The problem was that in childhood, there were …
Mean Old Women 🍎 + Snakes Shouldn’t be Trusted with Apples. 🍎 Keep ReadingDear Jessica Brennan, Generosity is a trait admired by most people. It’s better to give than to receive and all that. But when is it time to stop being generous? …
When It’s Time to Stop Giving Keep ReadingDear Jessica Brennan, Here is another actual conversation Dad and I had a few days ago. Me: I’ll put the massager on my back while I watch Madam Blanc Mysteries …
Wally? Why the Heck Would You Call Me Wally? Keep ReadingDear Jessica Brennan, People eat all sorts of things at Easter. We usually have salmon, some people have lamb and lots of people have turkey. Turkey is, of course, the …
The Case of the Exploding Turkey Keep ReadingDear Jessica Brennan, Last week, Dad and I were driving up Dundas St, and there was a sign that said “BOGO Sale.” Dad asked, “What’s a BOGO, and why is …
Today only! Massive Sale on BOGOs! Keep ReadingDear Jessica Brennan, When a relationship dissolves, and people bandage their hearts and split up the crock-pots and pillow cases, something else happens. They become an ex. Ex-husband, ex-wife, ex-friend …
How to Dish the Dirt on Your Ex-Wife Keep ReadingDear Jessica Brennan, I am of the generation that isn’t a Boomer or Gen-Xer. I’m in that 5-7 years that those who decide these things (I think we call them …
Do Not Make Me Call Your Kids! Keep ReadingDear Jessica Brennan, (a ranty poem-ish blog) Hate is hate. You can wrap it up in gender, Colour, faith, sexual preference, Or class structure. You can call it politics Or …
Love is Love, Hate is Hate Keep Reading