Dear Jessica Brennan ,
I saw you walking again this morning, and like a fool I totally replayed the events of a few weeks ago – head out the window, screaming “Jessica, Jessica” and honking my horn like a maniac. It must just come naturally to me like when I lick my thumb to wipe a smudge off your face. Thirty years later, and I know you still love that. Anyway, this morning, the car remained in one piece and I avoided any need to call the National Guard, however I did apparently annoy the man in the large black Escalade with dark tinted windows in front of me. He seemed to be under the misconception that I was honking at him, perhaps insinuating he was doing something wrong. I’m not sure how he could hear my horn with the melodic strains of Jezzy’s Holy Ghost blaring like the good Lord Himself was sending it from the thunderclouds as a sign not to mess with you when you’re on your way to work – quite a contrast to my “Patience” by Take That. But he could hear me, and so as we pulled up to Wellington his scowling face and shaking fist came out the window menacingly like I had offended him to his very core. I’m sure he thought I was some special kind of stupid to be messing with him. I started to laugh (of course) which then escalated Ernie Escalade’s temper and so when the light turned green, he just sat there in a defiant “I shall not be moved” stance, similar to the three year old who won’t open his lips when the spoon comes at him. This gave me ample time to giggle, shout and honk at you a few more times.
Thankfully feeding tubes are remarkably efficient these days and the doctor says with the right physio I may regain some of the use of my legs. They’re coming to put the wheelchair ramp in tonight – it’s quite a pitch to get up to the porch so they will need to run it across Ridout Street and down Windsor Ave to about Belgrave – I’m looking into expediting the zoning of our house to accommodate healthcare. You looked lovely in the grey sweater, such a good girl, always so colour coordinated. Anyway, don’t worry about me. You just have a good weekend with your friends.

Love Mum xo