Dear Jessica Brennan,

I have spent more time than anyone really ever needs to, trying to figure out what the right path for my life might be. I’ve read too much, watched too many TED Talks and done thousands of hours of self-help exercises.  I don’t regret it, but after all the self-examination, I have come up with some pretty simple answers.

Here is one thing I know for sure.  When something resonates with you, pay attention.

I am not talking about those big slap in the head moments.  They are pretty difficult to ignore. I mean those smaller vibrational sensations you get that tickle you like half of one tiny giggle, and they just wake you up.

That thing that makes you open your eyes and pay attention for a second doesn’t always happen when you’re reading a motivational book or listening to an inspiring podcast. Sometimes it happens when you are watching a movie trailer, talking to a friend or driving by a billboard.  This thing that flashes and nudges you enough to make you stop even for an instant, whether it is a lyric or a turn of phrase in a business meeting? You need to pay attention to that. But first, you need to learn to recognize it.

Our natural inclination when this nudge happens is to just let it go and forget about it ever happening.  We write it off and go back to the kittens in back-packs on Facebook. When that song suddenly makes you well-up because it reminds you of something you have ignored or forgotten, or that phrase or word sounds more true today, we just wave it away as unimportant.

Stop doing that.

When something resonates with you, it is pointing you through a door of discovery. It is telling you to explore an area of your life or of the world that you need to look at more deeply or from a different perspective.  This door will take you to something new, and then when you get there, you will find something else that resonates with you, and so on.

Sit with these thoughts.  Write them down.  These little vibrational moments indicate where you should go; what you should explore.  They bring you new colour, new ideas and ultimately new joy.  They are the forgotten core-you, reminding today’s-you who you are and what you’re here for.

I personally keep a list of all the little intuition-moments I have, with a line drawn to where those little moments take me, and what happens next.  Some of these little vibrational hits have induced profound changes in my life, and some just took me to fun or a quiet place when I needed it.  One thing they never did was lead me astray.

You have everything you need, already built into your personal GPS right there in your solar plexus.

So, be your own guru.

Love Mum xo