Dear Jessica Brennan,

Acceptance is not about liking or agreeing with the current situation in your life; instead, it’s about acknowledging your reality and understanding what is truly happening. This awareness allows you to take control and see things clearly, ending the cycle of resistance and struggle. Acceptance creates a sense of calmness, enabling you to connect with your intuition and approach challenges with a fresh perspective. It’s like a vacation for your brain and nervous system, releasing the grip of wishing for things to be different and putting you in the space of what is true. It blocks energy from going where you don’t want it to be.

To get to a better place, you must shed light on what is happening and accept it for what it is. I really struggle with this because it can feel like giving in. It feels counterintuitive. It isn’t.

Whether it’s the end of a relationship, the loss of a friend, a dead-end job, or the grip of fear that’s holding you back, resisting what “is” only drains your energy and keeps you stuck in what you don’t want. Instead, embrace acceptance and allow your mind to generate new and better ideas for what’s next.


Mum xo