Dear Jessica Brennan,

What is the point of life? 

Some say it is to create. I like that. To create love, experiences, opportunities and happiness.  To create art, food, joy. 

Some say it is to discover who you truly are and bring it to the world. You do this by acting on the things that resonate with you and knowing to trust your gut. 

Some say that it is to learn and grow, because knowledge is power.  

Some say it is as simple as to give more than you take.  (Well, that’s not always that simple, is it?) 

Maybe it is about all of these things combined.

I have been guilty of spending a lot of time trying to figure out my purpose, the point of it all.  I am a seeker, and always have been, and I am a bit of a problem-child seeker, because if I come up with an easy answer, like “Give more than you take”, even though it sounds right and true, I tell myself it is not the meaning of life at all. “No, that can’t be it.  Better keep looking!”

As I get older though, I do realize that the point of life is that you are here, period. There is not some magic day when you suddenly have a deep understanding of purpose, because as soon as you understand something, another question comes up. The process unfolds like a flower.  This doesn’t mean you need to be constantly frustrated with not being able to find life’s ultimate answers. Instead I find myself in awe of all that life has to teach. All the doors that can open to show us the next thing to explore. 

You are here.  Isn’t that awesome? 

Despite the fact that there is only a one in a bizillion chance you would ever be here on this planet ever, here you are.

Start there. Start here. 

Today, you are here, sitting in your chair, swinging your legs over the side of the bed, eating your lunch, whatever. What will you do about it? What responsibility will you take for the fact that against all ridiculous odds, here you are?

Don’t know the point of life? 

Well at least for today, the point is this; you are here.


Mum xo