Dear Jessica Brennan,

There is an excellent chance:
Life won’t protect you.
No one will come to save you.
You aren’t going to win the lottery.
You will bear the consequences of your actions.
The only way you will achieve things will be through hard work.
You will make many mistakes, and no one will fix them but you.
You will feel humiliation and loss.
You will be rejected, scapegoated, gaslighted and disliked.
You will reap what you sow.

These are called lessons.
Do not despair.

With all the struggles, you will learn:
To protect yourself.
That you don’t need rescuing.
To take responsibility.
That you can look after your own needs.
To get blissfully lost in a hard day’s work.
How resilient you are.
Who to trust and who to cut loose.
To find joy living in the cracks of sorrow.
That peace comes from letting go.

And when you figure all that out, there will be more to learn.

This is called growth.

Mum xo

PS – I made cookies