Dear Jessica Brennan,
When you treat people with mistrust, they won’t be trustworthy.
When you use a heavy hand, you will create resistance.
When people feel unsupported, they won’t have your back.
When someone feels unvalued, they will only achieve the worth you have given them.
When you treat people like children, there will be immaturity.
When you over-regulate them, they will fight back against your rules.
And, when someone feels there is nothing left to lose, they have all the power. This I know for sure.
However, when you give people your trust, they will earn that every day.
When you collaborate in decision-making, they will support the objectives.
When people feel supported, they will lift you onto their shoulders.
When they feel valued, they will live up to the worth you have given them.
When you treat a person as an equal, they will reflect balance and maturity back to you.
When you provide freedom and opportunity for growth, there will be peace.
Again, this I know for sure. You give away all the power when you make someone feel like they have nothing left to lose.
Mum xo