Dear Jessica Brennan,

Remember the time we were in the grocery store and the one guy (whose sole purpose for being there was to carry out groceries) gave me a hard time about having to put a large bag of kitty litter in the car? Remember my mum-voice and how nervous you got for him?

“Oh, stop talking, you idiot!” you thought.

You wanted to warn him he was in dangerous waters. Today, no matter what happens, just think,

“At least I’m not him.”

Remember that period of our lives when strangers wondered if I was your older sister? One day, a lady made the wrong assumption and started lecturing us from her car window on the appropriate way to cross the street (even though what we were doing was entirely correct).

“Girls! Girls!!”

Remember what I said to her? Today, no matter what happens, just think,

“At least I’m not her.”

Remember that guy on rollerblades who whizzed by us, went flying, and airborne knocked down half the displays in the store because he was showing off for you? Today, no matter what happens, just think,

“At least I’m not him.”

Mum xo