Dear Jessica Brennan,

Why does lip gloss come in a plastic pot, not a tiny cardboard container? If it came in cardboard, all those little plastic pots wouldn’t go into the landfill. In fact, why can’t shampoo and conditioner come in cartons, and a million other things come that way too?

Why can’t I buy four hamburger buns and four hot dog buns in one bag (a paper bag) instead of buying 8 of each and feeding half of them to the squirrels?

If we could eliminate half of all cancer by stopping smoking, why don’t you need a prescription to buy cigarettes? That way, everyone would be on a plan to quit, and no one could start smoking.

If fish like haddock, sea bass and halibut are endangered, why are they still on menus? Why can’t we take a few years off and eat something else before we start taking them out of the water again?

If canaries and other birds live naturally in the wild, why do we put them in cages? Would you want to be in a cage just because you’re cute and can sing? Birds are made to fly.

If processed food is not really food, and it is making us fat and sick, why can it still be sold to us? On that same theme, why are Coca-Cola and Pepsi allowed to fund sugar studies? Conflict of interest, anyone? If nutritionists can’t support Blue Menu because it isn’t healthy, why do the grocery stores get to sell it that way?

Lack of common sense hurts my brain.

Just a few questions that come to mind today. I’m sure there will be more.

Love Mum xo