Dear Jessica Brennan,

(a ranty poem-ish blog)

Hate is hate.

You can wrap it up in gender,

Colour, faith, sexual preference, 

Or class structure.  

You can call it politics 

Or religion 

Or history 

Or charity

Even decency, 

Statistics or privilege. 

Call it what you like.

You can blame your parents, 

Your friends, 

Your job, 

The geography you landed on,

Or your sparkly, diamond-encrusted church.

Hate is hate, and hate is fear.

You can ask your God,

Your Goddess, 

Your lucky stars

Or ancient changelings and fairies 

For all I care.

You can say, 

“I was only kidding”, 

“She misunderstood”, 

“They’re all too sensitive”, 

“I’m too old to know better.” 

“Things have changed”.


Yes. They. Have. 

On this, we agree.

But hate is hate, and hate is evil

You can list a thousand reasons why you’re right, 

It’s good for the economy 

It helps build empires

It snags you more “followers.”

I don’t give a toss because love is love, and hate is hate.

Love lifts up

Hate tears down

Love gives hope

Hate destroys the spirit

Love looks for truth

Hate tells a lie

(It slides right off the slippery tongue)

Love spreads kindness

Hate fractures for self-promotion

It divides

I don’t care what your apathetic teachers taught you

How your Daddy voted,

What your toxic mother beat into you

Or that your Bible told you so.

Maybe read it again.

Love is love

Hate is hate

This rings as clear as the bell in your steeple.

You can form committees and initiate dialogue, 

Hold prayer meetings, write policies and conduct focus groups

But, come on.

Love is love

Hate is hate.

Stop pretending to be confused,

We all know the difference.


Mum xo