Dear Jessica Brennan,
So often we look outside ourselves for things that, if we knew how, we could find within. We look for people to bring us joy and happiness and fulfillment, when actually – while others can sometimes help with this – everything you need to be happy, you already have.
In my experience, the best way to stop expecting the outside world to fill you up, is to reconcile your own thoughts and behaviour within yourself.
By that I mean, if you have a nagging feeling about something you have said or done, (or continue doing), to yourself or another person that keeps you from feeling joyful, you need to address that. Â That unresolved nagging feeling is what is keeping you from finding peace. So fix it.
If you have a part of your life that you know is completely off track, you need to change that. It is a big job sometimes but your body and your intuition will tell you when you’re on the right path – and when you’re not.  It will give you indicators like a knot in your stomach for example, as to when you are getting closer to the right way, and when you are a miles off where you should be.
The truth is, you already know the things that need to change. Make a list of tasks and do the work, then be prepared to make another list.
Once you have made peace with yourself and your own conscience, you will stop looking to the outside to fix the inside. You will stop playing the victim and you will have made room for a fertile and creative place for love, joy and ideas to grow.  You will be able to bring all the great things that are inside you, out to the world – without feeling fearful of any inevitable criticism – because you will be open to other people’s ideas, and self-confident enough that you don’t need every single person on every single square inch of this little blue planet to agree with every single word you say.
Once you get to this wonderful place of peace within, you can bring light and love and joy out to the world in your own unique way, which is the very best thing ever, because if this world needs anything right now, it needs more people full of love and light. Â It needs more people like you, Dear Jessica. It needs more people like you, Gentle Reader.
Start now. Come to the party we call life. Bring your own light.
Mum xo
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