Dear Jessica Brennan,

Dad and I are avid crossword-ers. No crossword is safe in our house — the harder the better.  One of the clues that crops up from time to time and sort of messes with my mind is:

Paradise, 4 letters: _ _ _ _


Perfect place, 4 letters: _ _ _ _

We already know the answer because it is always the same. 

E_ _ _




Yes, Eden is correct. As in, “the garden of”.  

I never really got the meaning of this crossword clue.  I know technically Eden = paradise, but I think maybe we should come up with a new clue description now that we have a few thousand years under our belt and have had time to reflect.  Let’s face it, no one thinks fondly of a place they’ve been thrown out of. 

The history of this paradise might not actually attract many visitors if it were on a travel brochure.

Eden, the place of original sin.  The place that started our demise as a human race before we even got out of the gate according to some religions.  The place we were expelled from.

Sounds nice.


Mum xo