Dear Jessica Brennan,

This year we grew a lot of vegetables. Well, a lot for us. I really liked it but it was hard work to take them from that exciting first little seedling to a mature plant that by the end looked a bit worn out.

This year we also had some pet woes. And by pet, I mean Jinx. Between countless trips to the ophthalmologist, with multiple eye drops a day, then to a claw embedded in the pad of his foot. We were up to our ears in antibiotics and painkillers for the better part of 2019/20. 

We love our little cat, but again, he was a lot of work. You remember the car ride and all that transpired.  That was work.

Orchids take a lot of work. Aquariums and zoos take a lot of work. Community gardens, rose gardens and botanical gardens take a lot of work.

I guess the point of this blog is that everything from an african violet to a koi pond to an elephant requires a lot of work.

Every living thing requires work.

Every living thing is worth the work.

Especially people. Even you. Even me.

