Dear Jessica Brennan,

Perspective is a tricky little thing, isn’t it?

I wondered what it might be like to force myself into a greater sense of awareness when I’m feeling all critical and superior. Do you have those days where you can’t figure out what is wrong with the planet? How on earth can you be the only one that’s right and everyone else be so, well.. stupid?

PS – The math doesn’t add up in your favour on those days. 

I decided to try this. I put the phrase, “But in truth…”, after each critical or superior thing I thought.

Here are some examples of things I have thought, and I have heard others say, with the end of the sentence turned back on the speaker.

“Dad is in a bad mood today and snapping at me no matter what I say, but in truth, I get like that some days too. But in truth, I did leave all the laundry for him. But in truth, I knew I was wrong about something but argued with him anyway first thing this morning and set the tone of the day.”

“Nobody ever calls me to do anything, but in truth, I have given the impression in the past that I don’t want to be part of that group. But in truth, I don’t call any of them either. But in truth, I have never been very friendly to those people.”

“That guy is always picking fights, but in truth, I take the bait every time. But in truth, I don’t confront him with this and ask him to stop. But in truth I still allow myself to be in his company.”

“That guy is such a sexist, but in truth, I shrink away from him rather than standing my ground. But in truth I don’t use the power I have to make him stop, so really it is myself I’m mad at.”

“What is she thinking wearing that? But in truth, I wore shorter skirts at her age. But in truth, she looks really cute. But in truth, it is none of my damn business what she wears.”

Try it. It works.


Mum xo