Insurance and Malaria
Dear Jessica Brennan, Getting a new insurance policy is quite an adventure. First you sit with your insurance guy who apologetically asks you about 1000 personal questions to do with …
Insurance and Malaria Keep ReadingSometimes poignant, often witty letters written to my daughter.
Dear Jessica Brennan, Getting a new insurance policy is quite an adventure. First you sit with your insurance guy who apologetically asks you about 1000 personal questions to do with …
Insurance and Malaria Keep ReadingDear Jessica Brennan, Once a flood I go to Walmart in an act of unconditional self-loathing and that flood rose earlier this week. What was I thinking? These people (of …
My Final Trip to Walmart Keep ReadingDear Jessica Brennan, On this, the long weekend where Canadians from coast to coast take time to stop and honour our love for Queen Victoria and her birthday I thought …
Safety First! Keep ReadingDear Jessica Brennan, Webster’s dictionary describes a genius as an “extraordinary intellectual power especially as manifested in creative activity” and “a person endowed with transcendent mental superiority”. Yes, Albert Einstein, …
I’m glad I’m not that smart Keep ReadingDear Jessica Brennan: Some things make my teeth ache. Like, how on earth could these guys be smart enough to get into Dalhousie’s dental program? Have the admission standards become …
Garden Gnome Dentists Keep ReadingDear Jessica Brennan, last year I wrote a letter to Santa…here it is again but with a few edits. Love Mum Dear Santa, What happened to Christmas? Did you decide …
Merry Christmas Santa Keep ReadingDear Jessica Brennan, I’m in love with Zac Brown. I know the timing is bad given that today is Dad’s birthday but I don’t think he cares anyway. When I …
I’m in Love With Zac Brown Keep ReadingDear Jessica Brennan What in the name of all things glorious and free is going on at Tim Hortons?! Every morning I go through the drive-thru and the speaking-box thing …
Tim Hortons Keep ReadingDear Jessica Brennan, During this election, we’ve heard a lot about all the great things that will happen in the next few years. Just to be safe, I think we …
The Mayor Keep ReadingDear Jessica Brennan, let’s remember all the great times we’ve had at our local. Love Mum xo Dear Waltzing Weasel, Recognizing the importance of the local pub, HRH Prince Charles …
The Pub Keep Reading