How to Write a Book
Dear Jessica Brennan, I don’t know if you will ever want to write a book. I’m not sure it’s really your thing, but in case you ever decide to take …
How to Write a Book Keep ReadingSometimes poignant, often witty letters written to my daughter.
Dear Jessica Brennan, I don’t know if you will ever want to write a book. I’m not sure it’s really your thing, but in case you ever decide to take …
How to Write a Book Keep ReadingDear Jessica Brennan, A few weeks ago we got some new chairs for the back patio. When they were delivered they were well packaged to protect them from any bumps …
Packaging Keep ReadingDear Jessica Brennan Jamie Oliver has restaurants all over the world. His food is beautiful, fresh and an absolute delight to look at and eat. Unfortunately it takes more than great food …
Yoyos, Numpties and Jamie Oliver Keep ReadingDear Jessica Brennan, I’m already tired of using email so I hope someone is figuring out what’s next. I don’t mind texts but email is so boring. Spam is awful. …
Lovely spam! Wonderful spam! Keep ReadingDear Jessica Brennan, As you know your dad and I have had our 25th anniversary. It was very nice. The day itself was wonderful. Before you came over to celebrate …
25 Years After The Big Bang Keep ReadingDear Jessica Brennan, Why do some people who go to buffets act like they will never eat again? They are standing in front of aisles of more food than a …
Buffets Keep ReadingDear Jessica Brennan, Have you ever had a poignant week? I’m sure you haven’t. I’m sure everything is all roses and rainbows over there in Family Law. This post is …
Loss Keep ReadingDear Jessica Brennan, In the last little while we have read in the news about lots of things that have people raving. The selfie stick, edible food wrappers and the …
Today’s News Keep ReadingDear Jessica Brennan, Have you ever noticed that little girls hop? They skip, hop and boing around as though they have springs on their toes. The character of Tigger must …
Let All The Girls Hop Keep ReadingDear Jessica Brennan, Today I got an email from a man from China who wrote, “I know you are distributor of fine wall covering. Please respond for quality purchase.” I …
Salesmen, Wallpaper and Art Classes Keep Reading