Dr. Obvious
Dear Jessica Brennan, I may be on Christmas preparation overload…but this made me laugh. Love Mum xo PS – there is a longer more jingle-bells and fairy-dust post coming next …
Dr. Obvious Keep ReadingSometimes poignant, often witty letters written to my daughter.
Dear Jessica Brennan, I may be on Christmas preparation overload…but this made me laugh. Love Mum xo PS – there is a longer more jingle-bells and fairy-dust post coming next …
Dr. Obvious Keep ReadingDear Jessica Brennan I have been noticing recently that some everyday tasks that should be almost automatic carry with them a certain amount of shame. I realized this most recently …
The Shame of the Fridge Keep ReadingDear Jessica Brennan, Last Monday night I went to see the Shanghai Acrobats with my friend Isobel. Â It was so cool that when we left Budweiser Gardens I told Isobel …
Spinning Plates and Laundry Trees Keep ReadingDear Jessica Brennan, Recently I tried to have a cup of tea with my friend Sally. The emails went like this: ME: Hi Sally, would you like to get a …
Back before disclaimers, we just talked without fear…. Keep ReadingDear Jessica Brennan, I think it is time we gave a nod to our friend Dave. People like Dave don’t come along in life twice so if you meet someone …
An “Idiot” (aka Philosopher) At Home Keep ReadingDear Jessica Brennan, Last week I was stopped in traffic at Dundas and Wellington. The road was under construction so it was taking a few lights longer than usual to …
One way to heal the planet Keep ReadingDear Jessica Brennan, I have been at the National Conference on Ending Homelessness this week. Very heavy stuff. I can’t write about it all because it is so much, but …
Homelessness Keep ReadingDear Jessica Brennan, Our friend Rique got this reminder on Monday telling her that today is my birthday. It said: Sharon Brennan is turning age 82 Friday, October 28 Wow time …
Time Flies Keep ReadingDear Jessica Brennan, We should all be ashamed of ourselves. Regardless of what side of the Hillary and Donald fence we land on, we all need to do better than …
We should all be ashamed of ourselves Keep ReadingDear Jessica Brennan, Sometimes I worry that I will run out of things to write to you about, like this week was quite tough with everything else that is going …
Guest contributor: Dad (Draw your own conclusions) Keep Reading