What I Learned from a Petunia
Dear Jessica Brennan, Recently I was gardening – the garden being a great place for reflection – and my thoughts drifted, as they do, to how a petunia functions. Nature …
What I Learned from a Petunia Keep ReadingSometimes poignant, often witty letters written to my daughter.
Dear Jessica Brennan, Recently I was gardening – the garden being a great place for reflection – and my thoughts drifted, as they do, to how a petunia functions. Nature …
What I Learned from a Petunia Keep ReadingDear Jessica Brennan, English poet, John Lyly is credited with first expressing the sentiment “All is fair in love and war” in 1579. He said it slightly differently. In Euphues …
Love & War Keep ReadingDear Jessica Brennan, This post may seem harsh, but in the spirit of saying what everyone else is thinking, sorry, but give me a break. One of the most irritating …
Cryptic Cliffhangers Keep ReadingDear Jessica Brennan, The other night when Dad and I were sitting in the family room watching television, I noticed that even in the shows that appear very true to …
Things are Different in the Movies Keep ReadingDear Jessica Brennan, All of us at many points in our lives will think, “Something’s gotta give”. It’s just too hard, too stressful, too overwhelming, too much. I know this …
Life can be tough, but what a ride Keep ReadingDear Jessica Brennan, We hear a lot about the environment and how it is our responsibility to be better citizens of the planet. This of course makes perfect sense as …
Mother Earth Keep ReadingDear Jessica Brennan, In our house we call this Kelly Clarkson tune, “that bloody song“, as it regularly reduces us to tears. Because, quite simply, when you have a kid …
To all the Dads who stayed Keep ReadingDear Jessica Brennan, A few months back I wrote a blog about how to know if you’re doing life right. A lot of people liked that one, so as your …
6 (More) Ways to Know If You’re Doing Life Right Keep ReadingDear Jessica Brennan, The recent speed by which Roseanne Barr’s racist comments were dealt with gives me hope. I realize now that collectively we are finally saying to the hateful …
And All Good People Have Had Enough Keep ReadingDear Jessica Brennan, Memory is a funny thing. I can remember almost everything from my childhood. My sister, your Auntie Joyce, can’t remember anything really. This comes in handy if …
Misty Water-Coloured Memories Keep Reading