What Are You So Afraid Of?
Dear Jessica Brennan, According to fearof.net the top ten fears of all time are: I did think there would be other things ahead of holes. For example, I know you …
What Are You So Afraid Of? Keep ReadingSometimes poignant, often witty letters written to my daughter.
Dear Jessica Brennan, According to fearof.net the top ten fears of all time are: I did think there would be other things ahead of holes. For example, I know you …
What Are You So Afraid Of? Keep ReadingDear Jessica Brennan, For some reason, journalling, brain dumping and freeform writing have come up in several of my conversations lately. Freeform writing is meant to clear the unconscious and …
Do Blueberries Have Ears? Keep ReadingDear Jessica Brennan, I went to the village to get my hair done last Sunday, and when I came out of the salon, my car was trapped in a section …
Why Didn’t Someone Tell Me? Keep ReadingDear Jessica Brennan, The other day, Dad was sitting in the sunroom while I was two rooms away in the kitchen. Dad said: Have you seen that pill? I heard: …
Did You See Her? Which Way Did She Go? Keep ReadingDear Jessica Brennan, Since my twenties, I have always travelled with flip-flops in my bag. By travel, I mean to faraway places and also to the local restaurant. I might …
Oh, The Things These Flip-Flops Have Seen Keep ReadingDear Jessica Brennan, When something awful happens, the quicker you can move from “Why me? I don’t want this to happen. How can this be happening? Please, don’t let this …
I Hate It, But It’s Happening Keep ReadingDear Jessica Brennan, They say if you’re afraid of something and force yourself to do it, the fear disappears. I disagree. I’m terrified of heights and always will be. When …
I Found Delight in the Fear of Heights Keep ReadingDear Jessica Brennan, When I wake up at night, I’m trying to stop the anxious thoughts that arise. I shift to what’s in the room. The fan is blowing across …
Quickly Racing to Slow Living Keep ReadingDear Jessica Brennan, Your self-worth isn’t something to barter with or compromise. It’s yours to nurture and to keep whole. Don’t swap it for the right to have the job …
One Thing to Never Negotiate Keep ReadingDear Jessica Brennan, We’ve all heard the saying, “You’re preaching to the choir,” usually uttered when someone passionately explains something to an audience that already believes them. In my opinion, …
Why the Choir Needs a Sermon The Most Keep Reading