Dear Jessica Brennan, I have often told you that being normal is highly overrated. Normal conjures up, for me, a sense of being invisible. Walking a line, in line with …
Normal Keep ReadingSometimes poignant, often witty letters written to my daughter.
Dear Jessica Brennan, I have often told you that being normal is highly overrated. Normal conjures up, for me, a sense of being invisible. Walking a line, in line with …
Normal Keep ReadingDear Jessica Brennan, Dad and I are avid crossword-ers. No crossword is safe in our house — the harder the better. One of the clues that crops up from time …
Paradise Keep ReadingDear Jessica Brennan, Before I get into the content of this blog, let me start by saying that as the holidays approach, I have found the perfect gift to give …
The Perfect Gift (Problem Solved) Keep ReadingDear Jessica Brennan, Recently I saw a post on social media that said something like, “I’m tired of the top 30 under 30 and top 40 under 40, show me …
Top 50 Over 50 Keep ReadingDear Jessica Brennan, Way back when Dad and I were first together I came home from work after a day that could have been better, and Dad asked, “Was it …
Some of the Minutes Keep ReadingDear Jessica Brennan, I am currently writing a thriller and I love it. It is very complicated and really difficult which I like, and creating the backstory for the characters …
Weirdly Remembering the Future Keep ReadingDear Jessica Brennan, This year we grew a lot of vegetables. Well, a lot for us. I really liked it but it was hard work to take them from that …
Every Single Living Thing Keep ReadingDear Jessica Brennan, Last week I was on the phone with the bank because I couldn’t remember my password for online banking. I can see your eyes rolling young lady. …
Don’t Forget the Temporary Password Keep ReadingDear Jessica Brennan, Sometimes we think that time spent on the planet gives us the right to be in the know about everything and tell younger people what to do, …
Why Don’t You Tell Me? Keep ReadingDear Jessica Brennan, I work in the nonprofit sector and I can tell you that a lot of the conversations we have revolve around whether or not we are doing …
A Little is Enough Keep Reading