Squirm Primer
Dear Jessica Brennan, When you first have kids, you want to be the cool parents, the ones that all the other kids like and their mums and dads wonder how …
Squirm Primer Keep ReadingSometimes poignant, often witty letters written to my daughter.
Dear Jessica Brennan, When you first have kids, you want to be the cool parents, the ones that all the other kids like and their mums and dads wonder how …
Squirm Primer Keep ReadingDear Jessica Brennan, Have you ever noticed that when you want something, or are anticipating something, it is all you see or hear? I used to experience this all the …
Three Ways to See Clearly Now Keep ReadingDear Jessica Brennan, What is the point of life? Some say it is to create. I like that. To create love, experiences, opportunities and happiness. To create art, food, joy. …
You Are Here Keep ReadingDear Jessica Brennan, Somehow, gradually over the last little while, Dad and I have started having the conversations that people swear they will never have. These are conversations that comedians …
Real Conversations Keep ReadingDear Jessica Brennan, One day I was explaining to Dad about how easy it has been for him to know who he is and why he is on the planet, …
No One Knows How to Do It Keep ReadingDear Jessica Brennan, One of the best bits of advice anyone ever gave me about when a friendship or situation comes to an end, is to remember the good times …
Good Times Keep ReadingDear Jessica Brennan, Have you ever walked into a room, looked around at the people there, and felt all of your self-esteem sink through the soles of your shoes? You …
You Belong Keep ReadingDear Jessica Brennan, In honour of your birthday, I wrote you this. I love you. When you get as old as meThere’s not much that you haven’t seenRich guys acting …
I’ve Seen it All and then Some Keep ReadingDear Jessica Brennan, If a tree falls in the forest, and no one posts a picture of it on social media, did it really happen? There is a thing in …
Did That Just Happen? Keep ReadingDear Jessica Brennan, I have been writing a lot about love recently because life has taught me a lot about the many faces of it in the last little while. …
Baking Soda and Vinegar Keep Reading