Dear Jessica Brennan,

Emotional Empath – that’s my label, or so I’ve been told by many people who seem to know about these things.  Essentially this means that I take on other people’s pain both emotionally and at times physically.  I have been this way since childhood, and for most of my life just assumed that everyone else was this way too. I don’t really talk about it because it goes hand in hand with people calling me an energy healer and well, that just sounds crazy. I mean seriously, have you met my friends? There we are sitting at the Waltzing Weasel talking about the next trip we’re going to take and out of the blue:

Me: “Hey Dave, I’m an energy healer”

Dave: “A what now?”

I always have had this idea in my head that being an energy healer and working with energy had to mean lots of Tai Chi and Reiki and things like that.  I have no problem with that, but I’m not likely going to run off and learn these disciplines because I’m a bit busy working and having friends.  Plus, when I had chronic pain for four of the longest years of my life, there were so many people out there who called themselves healers and then made off with my money like bandits, that I get the urge to race away from the term altogether. In the end I healed myself. Maybe I am a healer.

I have a friend Kim, who told me years ago that I’m a healer, but she lives far, far away in a strange, suspicious land called Peterborough, so I don’t see her that much. Recently though,  I sat with my friend Leah, who insists I am a healer and that I had chronic pain for four years because my own energy was all discombobulated from me taking on the planet’s pain and mixing it with my own and all the while trying so hard not to be a healer.  It does take a lot of energy to not be who you are.  Resistance ignites inflammation it seems – they go hand in hand. 

What I’ve learned from Leah is that to work with energy you don’t have to throw around balls of fire, (although, that would be cool) or lay your hands on the sick.  You don’t have to sit in endless hours of meditation (but meditation is great for everyone) or dance under the full moon. You can heal in other ways – with gifts of food, or kind words, humour, hugs or blogs (who knew)? The best way to heal is simply to be present with someone who is in pain. Maybe I’ve just been making this whole thing a lot harder than it is.  Maybe I should just admit that I am a healer.

When I chat with Leah about just about any topic she points me back to what appears to be the obvious answer. Whatever is happening, is happening because I’m a healer.

Me: I wrote these great lyrics

Leah: You’re a healer

Me: I had a dream about a bear

Leah: You’re a healer

Me: Did you see my video on Dear Jessica Brennan? I said I’m not a guru.

Leah: You looked like a healer

Me: I’m getting a weird feeling from that person.

Leah: healer

Me: I had tuna for lunch

Leah: healer

Leah, like Kim before her, has been sent to me, (and in Leah’s case right to my front door in fact), by the universe to make it crystal clear that I am here to heal the planet, of this I am certain. She relentlessly points out my awesome healer-ness without apology at every opportunity. “Be who you are Sharon. Give in to it. Trust, know your truth.” When I’m with her my gifts seem real and my doubts vanish and slowly I have even been able to begin to feel this truth not just when she’s with me but when she’s two blocks away at her house too. I don’t have to howl at the moon, or wear patchouli.  I don’t have to chant or make potions or stop doing the things I enjoy like sitting at the Waltzing Weasel with Dave. Being a healer is much more of a practical way of life than I imagined.  In fact, I think whether we are born with intuitive powers or not, we are all called to heal the planet, so if I’m a healer, you’re a healer – let’s all go do this thing.

Love Mum
