Dear Mum,

This past year has been tough for everyone.  I certainly don’t think any of us thought we would be celebrating a second Mother’s Day in lockdown, but here we are.

I have learned some things throughout the pandemic that you have helped me with, so I though I would share them with our readers.

  • People are not meant to interact with each other solely over technology.  While it is a great option, being able to get together with those you love in person is something not to be taken for granted.
  • The entire world can change in a minute.  Tell people you love them, hug them for that extra second, and enjoy each day as best you can.
  • It is okay to simply not be okay.  With all of the new rules, isolation, fear and general uncertainty surrounding us, it is okay to not be at your best.

Mostly I have learned that even though we can’t see each other in person nearly as much as we are used to, you are always there.  For a text, a telephone call, or even in a memory that sends me into a fit of giggles.  For that, I am eternally grateful.

Happy Mother’s Day!

Lots of love,

